What Undergraduate Degrees are Best for a Master’s in Health Administration?

In order to meet admissions criteria to enter an MHA program, you will need to have an acceptable undergraduate degree. If you know that you are going to school to eventually earn your graduate degree in Health Administration, you should start the preparations process before you even begin studying for your Bachelor’s degree. By taking the time to review the admissions requirements for all of the most respected schools offering MHA programs, you can avoid taking the wrong classes or earning the wrong degree, which will only set you back time and in money. If you are not sure what Bachelor’s degree program to take to fulfill the prior educational MHA admissions requirements, read on and learn which undergraduate programs are highly recommended.

Bachelor’s Degree in Health Administration Degree Program

BSHABy studying for your Bachelor of Science in Health Administration, otherwise called a BSHA program, you will take both general education courses and health care curriculum. The entire purpose of the program is to prepare you to gather all of the knowledge that you need to enter the healthcare industry as an administrator, not as a nurse or medical specialist who works directly with patients. Some of the coursework that you will be required to complete before you receive your BSHA degree include: management, ethics, human resources, management, health information systems, regulation, community health and healthcare policy.

Choosing the Right BSHA Program

Now that you know the best type of degree to meet educational requirements for a graduate program, the next step is finding the right program. Not all BSHA programs or MHA programs are created equal, and failing to research the credibility of the school and the health administration department can lead to problems when you apply for graduate school or attempt to find a job.

To ensure that the curriculum that you are studying is high in quality and designed to really prepare you for the field, check the program’s accreditation status with a reputable specialty agency like the Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Management Education. By using this association’s database to search for programs that have been granted credentials, you can avoid all of the programs that have not been assessed or analyzed for efficiency and performance.

What Happens If You Do Not Have a BSHA Degree?

Whenever you apply to a MHA program, the admissions council that reviews your application will see if you have an accredited baccalaureate degree and if you have an acceptable grade point average. Not all schools require that you have a specific type of degree, but many will require that a list of prerequisite courses to be completed while you are an undergrad. If the school does require a business or health-related degree and you do not have the right background, you will be required to complete the prerequisite courses before you can even start advanced studies.

Health administrators play an important role in all healthcare settings because they plan, direct and coordinate health services. With the industry growing rapidly, the need for health managers is projected to grow by 23% in just a few years. If your goal is to work your way up from an entry-level position in administration to a senior role, you will need to earn your Master’s degree. Make sure that you work hard as you earn your undergraduate degree, and then you will be able to get into a respected MHA program.